Tuesday, 28 August 2012

BIOSKOP: the drifting cinema settles for an evening of film

From the Cube Cinema listings
On Sunday evening, I had a feeling that Bristol would be alive with a thousand dancing feet, shared drinks and raucous screeches, but a night on the tiles wasn't really what I had in mind for my bank holiday eve. By chance, I happened upon a tweet by the Cube Cinema, announcing that their drifting cinema, the Bioskop, would be putting down its roots for the night in Riverside Park, an area I'd been warned was a little on the shadier side. On their blog, the Bioskop admit that they chose the location for this screening with this in mind:  at night, it "isn't somewhere you feel comfortable hanging around in, it's somewhere you pass through to get somewhere else."

As it would happen, this was an apt setting for a screening of Agnes Varda's "Vagabond" (1985). Not for those who begrudge a subtitled film, Vagabond paints a picture of Mona, a young, homeless woman on the road through the French winter, from only the glimpses strangers have had into the last few weeks of her life.
Personally, I love French films (if they're good!) because I'm somewhat of a Francophile and enjoy picking up snippets that are lost in translation with the French that I know (I studied it to A level so I'm far from bilingual but I try to keep it up with the odd French magazine or holiday).

The Bioskop is a wonderful project and was a lovely way to spend an evening: my friend and I huddled on a blanket beneath the trees with the other viewers, clutching plastic cups and shop-bought snacks. Most people arrived for about 7.30pm and then we sat and chattered until the sun set and it was dark enough to clearly see the film projected on a tightly-stretched sheet in the trees.

Vagabond (1985)

The Bioskop is a free event and is kept under close wraps until the very last minute! Keep up to date by checking back here from time to time, or follow @cubecinema on Twitter.

A bientôt!

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