Wednesday, 16 January 2013

My Monday: always late!

Snacks and telly with Lori.
I don't usually go in for new years resolutions, but in 2012 I vowed to stop being late. I was no stranger to the flustered guilt and warm cheeks that accompany being tardy - to everything. I did well. I stopped letting friends down, scurrying into the back of lecture theatres and missing the first five minutes of Hollyoaks. In 2013, it seems my standards have slipped. So let's pretend it's still the start of the week: still Monday.

My Monday was spent under precisely four blankets at my friend Lori's house, with two flavours of Dorito's, a tub of hoummous and season one of GIRLS. I'd never seen it before and, while the character of Hannah still rubs me up the wrong way, I'll admit I like it.

I've been LISTENING to a lot of Allo Darlin' and have just finished READING P. Robert Smith's Up a Tree in the Park at Night with a Hedgehog (a bit of a mouthful but a great read). My WEEKEND comprised poached eggs, dancing in rubbish bars on Park Street and cuddling up to watch telly with Lori.

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